It’s been a great strawberry season in Maine, but it’s coming to an end.  According to regional producers there’s about a week or two left in the growing season.  However, don’t fret just yet.  Some growers cultivate the everbearing  variety. At Beth’s Farm Market in Warren they have berries all summer long, sometimes well into the fall from their everbearing variety.  Others like Fairwinds Farm  and Alewive’s Brook Farm have a second grow cycle in late July and beyond.  I’ve found that these second cycle berries aren’t as juicy and sweet as June varieties.  But for those of us who love strawberries, they’re still a pleasure to have.

Two quarts strawberries for strawberry pie, from Jordan’s Farm, Cape Elizabeth

I been buying  a quart of berries nearly every day, not really sure what I’m going to do with them. I could make ice cream or yet another version of pie,  cobbler, crumble and such. I could also pair them with rhubarb, but I’m not a fan of the combo, preferring either fruit by itself.  So I’ve decided to use up the two quarts of berries to make a double crust pie.  Sometimes these pies are too liquidy, but I think I’ve solved that issue by using a lattice top, allowing the oven heat to cook the partially open-faced pie into a jamlike consistency that a lattice top allows. For thickener I’ll use either flour or tapioca flour, which is a great thickener without making the filling gooey.

Just out of the oven, the filling all jammy and thick

I season the berries with a pinch each of cinnamon and cardamom, the latter adds a unique flavor to pies. Try it next time you make a fruit pie; apples or blueberries–any berry really–and you’ll see a subtle flavor difference.


The recipe offered here was originally published June 24, 2015.  For other recipes see search box and type in strawberry pie.