One of my favorite blueberry pie recipes involved a method that relied on making a jam out of the berries and folding in uncooked berries to mound in a baked tart shell. Couldn’t be easier.  But I couldn’t remember the exact proportions of the recipe.  It came from a cookbook that was now in a disheveled state of disrepair on my shelf and stopped at the page that said Tarts.  The rest of the book was missing.  I couldn’t remember the name of the author.  No where in the book did it state the name of the book or its author.

I then did an exhaustive Google search.  It was a book on baking; that much I knew.  After many  moments of search and trial by error the name  to me: Paula Peck. She worked with Craig Claiborne at the Times and contributed many recipes.  And she was also a force with James Beard, who was still alive in her tenure.  You can’t get better credentials than those.

Then I did another Google search for Paula Peck’s blueberry tart.  What came up was the recipe in a site called ImPECKable Eats by Megan Peck, the granddaughter of Paula Peck.  Her site recreated her grandmother’s many baking recipes  (including this tart) from the “The Art of Baking” as well as Peck’s book “The Fine Art of Cooking.”  (see

I ordered a hardback copy of the book from Amazon.  My old book was paperback.  I figured this would last a lifetime (mine, at least).

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