Berries and stone fruits are the stars of the proverbial summer dessert repertoire.  Even though this year’s summer climate has been difficult for most farmers–witness the late start of juicy-ripe tomatoes and corn just trickling into market stands–berries have done OK.  We had a brief, short array of strawberries, and I haven’t seen a box of those cherished berries for several weeks.  Well, not necessarily.  Some farmers have rotating crops for a second and third crop, but none seem to make it to markets in Greater Portland.

For a strawberry fix all summer travel to Beth’s Farm Market in Warren on Western Road, a hilly verdant slope of gorgeous farmscape that promises great rewards.  Last week the counters were awash with strawberries as well as raspberries and wild blueberries. Other markets hither and yon in regions south of Portland or north of the usual tangle of Brunswick and Bath markets, you might find strawberries still.  I haven’t been to Bath farmer’s market yet nor Saco and Kennebunk, the latter starring Kelly Orchards peaches very soon.

Luscious double strawberry tart

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